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Career fairs

Meet our students Each year the student unions and faculties at Lund University organise career fairs. On this page you will find the websites of these events. On each website you will find contact details for the different organisers. A career fair for students. Below is a list of links to the career fair websites where you can find more information. Some of the websites are only in Swedish, but - 2024-05-19

LU student selected ’Global Swede’ 2014

Published 13 May 2014 Today, in a ceremony at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, a Lund University Master’s student has been named a ‘Global Swede’ by the Swedish Minister for Trade. Photo: Karin Nylund, Government Offices The distinction ’Global Swede’ is awarded to international students who are considered ‘good ambassadors for their University and for Sweden’, and have shown ’academic creativity - 2024-05-19

Contact your faculty

If you are a current student at Lund University and are interested in studying abroad, the first step is to talk to your programme coordinator. Check with them whether the structure of your programme allows for an exchange period. If your programme structure allows for an exchange period, you can talk to your faculty's international coordinators/international office to find out about available exc - 2024-05-19

Institutes and research centres

Use the link below to find all organisational units for institutes and research centres.Search for institutes and research centresResearch centres and institutes at Lund University (A to Z)Please note that the list below is not comprehensive, but includes some of the larger research centres and institutes at the University.The links are to the units' own websites:Biomedical Centre (BMC)Centre for - 2024-05-19

Cultural activities

Art, music, film, museums and more Student associations for culture and the artsFrom music and choir to art and comedy theatre ('spex'), our diverse student associations offer something for everyone. Whatever your interests, there's probably a student group waiting for you to join! Explore the many ways you can get involved in the arts and beyond.Student associationsCentres and academies at the Un - 2024-05-19

Cultural and public centres

On this page, you will find a selection of the University's public activities. These include music, museums, discovery centres and botanical gardens. Botanical GardenThe Botanical Garden cultivates thousands of plant species on eight hectares of land in central Lund. The Garden operates a wide variety of activities in the areas of botany, horticulture, plant preservation and environmental awarenes - 2024-05-19

Facts and figures

Lund University in numbersLund University has:9 faculties plus several interdisciplinary research institutes, centres and facilities3 campuses in the cities of Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. The Lund University School of Aviation is located in Ljungbyhed. All campuses are located in the southern part of Sweden.The figures on this page refer to the year 2023, unless otherwise stated. Related links Un - 2024-05-19

Organisational structure

An overview of the University structure Click on the image to enlarge (new tab).Find a text version of the information in the image below: Overview of Lund University's organisational structure (text version) The Electoral College, Vice-Chancellor/University Management, Internal Audit, and the University's Holding Companies and Foundations report directly to the University Board: Electoral College - 2024-05-19

Degrees and academic credits

An education from Lund University is internationally recognised. We are ranked as a world top 100 university. Degrees The higher education system in Sweden is divided into three cycles. You will find the degree types listed below and the credits they are worth. First cycle degrees (Undergraduate degrees): Higher Education Diploma: 120 ECTS credits Bachelor's Degree: 180 ECTS credits Professional D - 2024-05-19

University Management

The University Management. Photo: Charlotte Carlberg Bärg. The University Management The management of Lund University consists of:The Vice-ChancellorThe Deputy Vice-ChancellorThe Pro Vice-ChancellorsThe University DirectorThe Vice-ChancellorThe vice-chancellor is appointed by the Swedish Government for a maximum of six years after a proposal from the University Board and is the University’s highe - 2024-05-19

Moo-ve over! Findings pave way for ‘cheese cows’

Published 26 August 2014 Certain cows’ milk is excellent for cheesemaking, whereas others’ is considerably less suitable. This has been shown in a new thesis from Lund University in Sweden, as part of a Swedish-Danish milk genomics initiative. The findings could possibly lead to certain cows’ milk being used entirely for cheese, and others’ milk for drinking. WATCH: Why certain cows make better ch - 2024-05-19

Toothpaste fluorine formed in stars

Published 21 August 2014 Image: The Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI/NASA) The fluorine that is found in products such as toothpaste was likely formed billions of years ago in now dead stars of the same type as our sun. This has been shown by astronomers at Lund University in Sweden, together with colleagues from Ireland and the USA. Fluorine can be found in everyday products such as toothpaste an - 2024-05-19

Sun’s activity influences natural climate change

Published 18 August 2014 Photo: NASA A new study from Lund University in Sweden has, for the first time, reconstructed solar activity during the last ice age. The study shows that the regional climate is influenced by the sun and offers opportunities to better predict future climate conditions in certain regions. For the first time, a research team has been able to reconstruct the solar activity a - 2024-05-19

Table salt measures radiation in Fukushima

Published 18 August 2014 Ordinary table salt can be used to measure radiation from radioactive substances, provided that it is stored in the dark. This has been shown in a new thesis from Lund University in Sweden, where the method has been enhanced and tested on fallout from the nuclear disasters in Fukushima and Chernobyl. “Salt is readily available and very cheap, which gives it an advantage ov - 2024-05-19

World’s first 3D-printed saxophone

Published 7 August 2014 A professor at Lund University in Sweden has created the world’s first 3D-printed saxophone. WATCH: The world’s first 3D-printed saxophoneOlaf Diegel, Professor of Product Development at Lund University, developed the prototype in just six months.The saxophone was printed in nylon from 41 different components, weighing less than 25% of a real saxophone. And while it sounds - 2024-05-19

Smart bacteria help each other survive

Published 5 August 2014 The body’s assailants are cleverer than previously thought. New research from Lund University in Sweden shows for the first time how bacteria in the airways can help each other replenish vital iron. The bacteria thereby increase their chances of survival, which can happen at the expense of the person’s health. The bacteria Haemophilus influenzae is a type of bacteria in the - 2024-05-19

Genetics dominant risk factor in common cancers

Published 27 June 2014 A study of individuals who have been adopted has identified genetics as the dominant risk factor in ‘familial’ breast, prostate and colorectal cancers. Researchers at the Centre for Primary Health Care Research at Lund University and Region Skåne in Sweden have presented the new research findings based on studies of population registers.“The results of our study do not mean - 2024-05-19

Lund University launches MOOCs

Published 24 June 2014 Thinking about doing business with countries in the EU? Want unique lessons in greening the global economy from the cutting edge of sustainability - Scandinavia? Or perhaps you're interested in reproductive and sexual health rights perspectives from experts with global, hands-on field experience? Then you should sign up for Introduction to European Business Law, Greening the - 2024-05-19

University Board

The University Board is the highest decision-making body of the University. Its role is to "supervise all matters concerning the higher education institution" and it is "responsible for the performance of its duties", according to the Higher Education Act, Chapter 2, Section 2. The University Board consists ofthe Vice-Chancelloreight community representatives appointed by the Swedish Government, o - 2024-05-19

Exile Warriors: A social anthropological study about violence and community in the Eastern Congo

Published 23 June 2014 Social anthropologist Anna Hedlund with members of the FDLR Hutu militia (faces pixelated to prevent recognition). Photo: private The Hutu militia FDLR, who were behind the genocide in Rwanda, now live in eastern Congo, one of a number of rebel groups in the war-torn country. Lund University social anthropologist Anna Hedlund has lived with the group and describes the system - 2024-05-19